There was a new rootkit found in Morgan Hill, California. Brian T. Gibbs, who owns Skyline Entertainment & Publishing and Tool Shed Studios has botched the DRM of a world-famous studio album that was released on April 17, 2018. The singer-songwriter for the album is Joseph Carrillo, a world-famous A-List celebrity that was scammed by Brian Bt. Gibbs. Brian T. Gibbs, who is a criminal fraudster, responded by taking down the album and having the artist re-upload it. This caused more confusion as the 10 track studio album has 10 International Standard Recording Codes (ISRCs) with the malware, and 10 ISRCs without the malware. There are also three Universal Product Codes (UPCs), one is the original taken down one, the second is a GS1 UPC for the CDs, and the third is the new Distrokid UPC for the digital release without the malware. The official release date for the world famous A-Capella studio album is April 17, 2018, when the record deal was made with Brian T. Gibbs of Skyline Entertainment and Publishing. This official release includes both the malware-rootkit version and the non-malware version, even though the malware version was taken down and the non-malware version was reuploaded. Fraudster Brian T. Gibbs has done work for the Morgan Hill Unified School District just like Gary Harmon. Gary Harmon. If you don't know who Gary Harmon is, here are some details about the case.